The first meeting of the President of the Union with the heads of the scientific committees
The first meeting of the President of the Union with the heads of the scientific committees
By the grace of God Almighty, the President of the Union held the first meeting with Their Excellencies and Highnesses the heads of the scientific committees of the Union to review the strategic plans and scientific programs of the committees
The heads of the committees discussed the plans of the scientific committees and developed a description of the work of each committee and reviewed opinions on the internal regulations of the committees
The meeting was attended by His Excellency Professor Awal Bilbeis, Professor Taleb Zidan Al-Moussawi, Deputy Secretary-General, His Excellency Professor Saad Abdul Qahar, Head of the Supreme Advisory Board, Dr. Ashraf Abdul Rafe Al-Darfaili, Executive Director, and the following heads of the scientific committees:
His Excellency Professor Minister Muhammad Mahdi Saleh, Head of the Experts and Crisis Management Committee
His Excellency Professor Minister Nour El-Din Mona, Head of the Conferences and Seminars Committee
His Excellency Professor Sabry Fawzy on behalf of Professor Saber Abdel Dayem, Head of the Committee for the Advancement of the Arabic Language and Humanities Studies
His Excellency Professor Daoud Abdul Malik Al-Hadabi, Head of the Quality and Classification of Universities Committee
His Excellency Professor Al-Sawy Al-Sawy Ahmed, Head of the Public Relations and International Cooperation Committee
His Excellency Professor Yahya Waziri, Head of the Arts Committee And civilization
His Excellency Professor Zain Al-Abidin Rajab, Chairman of the Youth and Friendship Committee among Peoples
His Excellency Professor Abdullah Bakhit Saleh, Chairman of the Committee for Monitoring the Needs of Africa and Asia
His Excellency Professor Mahmoud Khalil, Chairman of the Competitions Committee
His Excellency Professor Maryam Ait Ahmed, Chairman of the Women’s Committee
His Excellency Professor Shihab Al-Azizi, Chairman of the Committee for Developing Visions and Strategic Plans for Future Development Projects
His Excellency Professor Taj Al-Sir Hassan, Chairman of the Environment and Sustainable Development
Happiness Professor Hassan Abdel-Alim, First Deputy Chairman of the Conferences and Seminars Committee
His Excellency Professor Abdul Karim Al-Wazzan, Chairman of the Media Committee
His Excellency Professor Dr. Abdul-Hafiz Zaid, Deputy of Professor Hamid Fahmy Zarkshi, Chairman of the Follow-up and Evaluation Committee
His Excellency Professor Dr. Munjed Mustafa, Deputy of Professor Ahmed Al-Samarrai, Chairman of the Committee for Developing Scientific Departments and Curricula
The meeting was also attended by Professor Dr. Fatima Al-Husseini, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Advancement of the Arabic Language and Humanities Studies
Professor Nihad Al-Omari, Professor Dr. Nashwa Abdullah, Professor Nawal Mahna, First Deputy Chairman of the Women’s Committee, Professor Dr. Hiba Al-Rahman, and a number of members of the esteemed Scientific Committee The participants expressed their opinions about the work of the committees and many visions and ideas were put forward to launch the work of the committees in accordance with the goals and mission of the union.