The Committee of Experts and Crisis Management holds its first meeting
The Experts and Crisis Management Committee holds its first meeting
By the grace of God Almighty and with a kind invitation from His Excellency Professor Minister Mohamed Mahdi Saleh, Chairman of the Experts and Crisis Management Committee, to the honorable deputies and members of the esteemed Scientific Committee to hold the first meeting of the Committee to discuss the strategic plan for the short, medium and long-term work of the Committee during the period 2021-2022 and to discuss the projects and programs that will be the focus of the Committee’s work during the coming period
His Excellency Professor Minister Mohamed Mahdi Saleh, Chairman of the Committee, also extended an invitation to His Excellency the President of the Union, the Vice Presidents, the Vice Secretary-Generals, the Chairman of the Advisory Board and the Executive Director to attend and participate in the meeting, and the kind invitation was accepted
The meeting was characterized by a spirit of brotherhood and love, a convergence of visions and ideas, and a desire to provide work that benefits the members of the Union and the Afro-Asian Universities
The meeting lasted two and a half hours and ended with a speech by His Excellency Professor Minister, Chairman of the Union, in which he expressed his thanks and appreciation for the efforts of His Excellency the Chairman of the Committee and the honorable members for what he saw of effort, sincerity, determination and giving