Uncategorized Publishing all research from the Union of Afro-Asia Universities and its members free of charge. December 9, 2022
Uncategorized The speech by President Rajab Tayyab Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey, at the scientific seminar organized by the Union of Afro-Asia Universities titled “Enhancing Common Human Values and the Risks of Classification and Exclusion” December 8, 2022
Uncategorized Signing of a cooperation protocol between the Union of Afro-Asia Universities, the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Science in Turkey December 8, 2022
Uncategorized The visit of Professor Yasin Aktay and Professor Ibrahim Ahmed Abdel Aziz Ghandour to the headquarters of the Union of Afro-Asia Universities in Turkey December 8, 2022
Uncategorized Professor Ashraf Abdel-Rafea El-Derfilly, the Executive Director, presents a gift from the collection of “Risale-i Nur” by Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi to His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi December 8, 2022
Uncategorized Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the “Union of Afro-Asia Universities,” the Afro-Asia University in Istanbul, and the University of Science and Technology in Somalia. December 8, 2022
Uncategorized The scientific seminar organized by the Union titled “Enhancing Common Human Values and the Risks of Classification and Exclusion.” November 29, 2022
Uncategorized The launch of the International Scientific Conference on Contemporary Women’s Issues in the Writings of Reformers. November 26, 2022
Uncategorized Poet of the Valley Nawal Mehni said, “The Arab woman has harmonized her needs with developments in the cultural and industrial fields.” November 23, 2022
Uncategorized Sheikha Nawal Al-Sabah: The Arab woman will continue her efforts to achieve societal progress and fully enhance her rights! November 22, 2022