A seminar entitled (Linguistic and Cultural Diversity… Egypt and Indonesia as a Model)
By the grace of God Almighty, the Union of Afro-Asian Universities, in coordination and cooperation with the Indonesian Cultural Attaché in Cairo, the World Union of International Islamic Arab Schools, the Arab Union for Sustainable Development and Environment affiliated with the League of Arab States, and the Union of Arab Women Leaders, is participating in preparing and coordinating an international symposium on the occasion of the International Mother Language Celebration entitled (Linguistic and Cultural Diversity.. Egypt and Indonesia as a Model), which will be held, God willing, at the headquarters of the Indonesian Cultural Attaché in Cairo on March 3, 2020. The general coordinator of this symposium is His Excellency Dr. Othman Shihab, the Indonesian Cultural Attaché, Dr. Ashraf Abdel Aziz, and Mr. Walid Abdel Moneim Shatta, Coordinator of External Relations and International Cooperation for the Union of Afro-Asian Universities… Professor Dr. Mohamed Al-Mahrasawi, President of Al-Azhar University, Professor Dr. Nabil Al-Samaluti, Vice President of the Supreme Advisory Board of the Union of Afro-Asian Universities, and a large group of scholars, thinkers, and media professionals will participate in this symposium.